Origin Story
The Arizona Caribbean Carnival Group was formed in 2011 as an Arizona non-profit corporation with Federal 501(c) 3 status granted in 2015.
Our vision is to create synergy amongst the people and cultural organizations that share our islands’ art forms, music and cultural cuisines.
Our Mission is the future of our culture.
We strive to strengthen the Caribbean community within the city of Phoenix and the surrounding communities. We invite all citizens to embrace, experience, and enjoy the rich cultural heritage and history of the Caribbean through our social events, which in turn support our philanthropic, educational, and mentoring endeavors.
Our main cultural event is a Trinidad and Tobago style Carnival that takes place over Memorial Day Weekend with a Masquerade Parade and a Carnival Village featuring Caribbean entertainment, food, dance, arts, crafts and more.
One of our aims is to promote cultural workshops at local educational and other learning institutions.
Below is a partial list of activities and projects we have completed since our inception:
– 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Phoenix Caribbean Carnival
– 2013, 2014, 2015 Twin Cities (Avondale/Goodyear) Multicultural Parade
– 2013, 2014, 2015, Pan in the Schools: George Gervin Prep Academy, Phoenix
– 2013, 2015, Christmas Parang
– 2015, Carnival at the MIM (Musical Instrument Museum)-
– 2014, 2015, Chandler Cultural Festival –
– 2015, ASU Multicultural Festival
– 2017, Masquerade Street parade
– 2023 International Flag Festival,
– 2024 Steel Pan music program: Phoenix International Academy